How do I set my Canvas Notification Preferences?

It is important that all Canvas users take the time to set their Canvas notifications to understand how Canvas-generated emails, announcements and modifications affect communications sent to individuals and to the class.

Select Account from the navigation menu and select Settings

To add additional email address to your account, select Add (+) Email Address

If you add an additional email address to your Canvas account, you will be able to direct Canvas notifications to that account.

Select Account from the navigation menu and select Notifications

This displays your editable Canvas account notifications preferences.

Click on any icon to view options for that type of notification

Each notification is set to a default preference. To change a notification for a contact method, locate the notification and click the icon for the contact method.

To receive a notification right away, select the Notify immediately option. These notifications may be delayed by up to one hour in case an instructor makes additional changes, which prevents you from being spammed by multiple notifications in a short amount of time.

To receive a daily notification, select the Daily summary option.

To receive a weekly notification, select the Weekly summary option. The date and time of your weekly notifications are posted at the bottom of the notifications page.

If you do not want to receive a notification, select the Notifications off option.

Each set notification preference will automatically apply to all of your courses. However, you can also manage notification preferences for a single course (see below)

Recommended Settings for Course Activities

These Notification Preferences apply to all of your Canvas course sites.

1- Due Date: Receive an email when the due date on an Assignment is changed

2- Grading Policies: Receive an email when grading policies are changed

3- Course Content: Receive an email when there is a change in an Assignment, Pages or Quizzes

4- Files: Receive an email when a new file is added to the Files tool

5- Announcement: Receive an email when a new Announcement is created by someone else

*6- Announcement Created By You: Receive an email when you create a new Announcement

7- Grading (Students only): Receive an email when an instructor grades your assignment

8- Invitation: Receive an email when you are invited to a course group or a Google collaboration

9- All Submissions (Instructor only): Receive an email when a student submits an assignment

10- Late Grading (Instructor only): Receive an email when there is a late student submission for an assignment

11- Submission Comment: Receive an email about a submission comment from and instructor or a student

12- Blueprint Sync: Not applicable (Tufts Canvas does not use Blueprint Sync)

Recommended Settings for Discussions, Conversations (Email), Scheduling (Scheduler), Groups, Alerts and Conferences

Note: These Notification Preferences apply to all of your Canvas course sites

1- Discussions: Receive an email when a new Topic is added to a Discussion Board

2- Discussion Post: Receive an email when a new post is added to a Topic you are following

3- Added to Conversation: Receive an email when you are added to a Conversation

4- Conversation Message: Receive the email someone emails you via the Inbox tool

*5- Conversations Created By Me: Receive the email when you send an email via the Inbox tool

6- Student Appointment Signup: (Instructor Only) Receive an email when a student signs-up for an Appointment Group

7- Appointment Signup: Receive an email when a new appointment is added to your Canvas Calendar

8- Appointment Cancelations: Receive an email when you or someone else cancels an appointment in an Appointment Group

9- Appointment Availability: Receive an email when new Appointment becomes available

10- Calendar: Receive an email when their is a change in your Canvas Calendar

11- Groups Membership Update: Not Applicable (Administrators Only)

12- Recording Ready: Receive an email when a Canvas (Big Blue Button) recording is ready

13- Administrative Notifications: Receive an email when someone accepts a course invitation, a report is generated, an export is completed or a new student groups is added to your site.

14- Content Link Error: Receive an email when a student has encountered a failed link

15- Global Announcements: Institution-wide announcements (also displayed on your Canvas Dashboard)

Individual Course Site Notifications

Notifications can be set for individual course sites. The Notification settings set on individual course sites override the general Notifications settings on your account, as described above.

On the Home page of any Canvas course site, select View Course Notifications

Here, you can set your Canvas notifications for this individual course site.
