Paying Property Taxes

I acknowledge that proposed tax assessment amounts will change.
I acknowledge that tax assessments are only attached amounts and may not include Unattached Rollback, Garbage, and/or other Un-Attached Fees. After payment an email receipt is available.

Please allow 2-3 business days for processing.
Payment will be credited the day of the transaction.

--> Payments accepted by check, cash, e-check, debit card, or credit card. E-Check is a secure, electronic transfer from your personal or business bank account WITHOUT a fee. Your routing and checking account numbers are needed. Debit Card fee - $4.00 for any amount paid. Credit Card fee - 2.50% of payment amount with a minimum of $2.00 E-check is Free Taxes are different than other purchases - those who use credit or debit, pay the processing fee.

It is important that funds are available

before processing a payment.

All fees are the same for payments made online, by phone, or in person. Payments made after November 30 th will have penalty as shown on the back of your tax notice and per state statute 59-2-1331.
Utah State Statute 59-2-1331

What if I don't know my Parcel Number?

Enter your address into the search bars on the Cache County Core website.

Taxes Become Delinquent After November 30 Each Year

Payments received after NOVEMBER 30 th (or the first business day after the 30 th if November 30 th falls on a weekend) are subject to a per parcel penalty of 2.5% or $10, whichever is greater. If delinquent taxes and the penalty are paid on or before January 31 st the penalty will be reduced to the greater of 1% or $10. Interest will be charged starting from January 1 for all delinquent amounts at the rate defined by Utah State Statute 59-2-1331. This interest is 600 basis points [6%] above the Federal Discount Rate on January 1 st following the delinquency date).

Year Rate
2022 10%
2021 7%
2020 7%
2019 7.75%
2018 8.45%
2017 7.25%
2016 7%

Information Box

In the information box on your tax notice, there may be a sentence indicating that your property tax notice has been sent to your mortgage company. If this is the case, it is your responsibility to verify with your mortgage company that these property taxes have been paid. Example There may also be different information in the same section indicating that prior year taxes remain unpaid for this parcel. Please call or visit our office to make payment arrangements. Example

Prepayment Registration

To register to receive prepayment coupons FOR NEXT YEAR'S taxes, use this Prepayment Registration form. Once signed up, a coupon book will be sent each January. Payments are designed from February to September with the final amount due November 30th.

PrintBookmark Show Payment Systems Directions

Highlighted tax notice

  1. Please click the Pay Taxes Online button below to go to Forte Payment Systems and make a payment. (You may need to acknowledge that tax rates are not yet finalized.)
  2. Once on the Forte page, use the Nextbutton on the right to start the process.
  3. Enter your nine-digit Parcel Number (without hyphens, e.g. 123456789) in the Search box excluding dashes. This number is on your tax notice (see image).
  4. Click the Submitbutton. If a valid parcel number is entered, the parcel information will show in the main window. Holding the mouse arrow over the parcel line will show additional details such as proposed taxes or delinquent amounts.
  5. Verify that your parcel information is correct, and click the Addbutton. If your information is wrong, click the searchbutton to search again.
  6. After clicking the Addbutton, you'll be prompted to define how much you would like to pay for this parcel at this time. DO NOT PAY OVER THE TOTAL DUE.
  7. Click Submitagain, and the amount you've defined will be associated with this parcel in the main window.
  8. After verifying that you've added all your parcels and everything looks correct in the main window, click the Continuebutton.
  9. The next screen displays your cart contents. Click the Pay Nowbutton if everything still looks correct.
  10. You can pay your taxes via credit card or electronic check. Fill out the required information and click the Submitbutton to pay your taxes.
  11. You can prepay future taxes via this website. Be aware that final tax rates are not set until mid-October. Amounts shown until then are proposed only and may change.


Using for online payments comes with an associated cost. Rather than raising taxes to pay for credit card processing fees, Cache County has decided the fee will be paid by the taxpayer choosing to utilize this convenience.

Online Payment Link

Cache County accepts delinquent and proposed taxes via online payment. Rollback, garbage, and unattached taxes are not shown online.

When making partial payments on more than one property, the allocation may be slightly different - due to how the credit card company provides information to Cache County. Full credit for all payments will be given. To avoid this, you may choose to make individual transactions. This will eliminate this possibility.

I acknowledge that proposed tax assessment amounts will change.
I acknowledge that tax assessments are only attached amounts and may not include Unattached Rollback, Garbage, and/or other Un-Attached Fees. After payment an email receipt is available.

Please allow 2-3 business days for processing.
Payment will be credited the day of the transaction.