The Certified Research Administrator (CRA) exam is administered by the Research Administrators Certification Council (RACC), an independent certifying body.
A CRA designation demonstrates a broad knowledge of all aspects of research administration including, but not limited to, project development and administration, legal requirements and sponsor interface, financial management and general management of sponsored research.
Eligibility to Sit for the CRA ExamCandidates applying to sit for the CRA examination must meet one these requirements:
*This option requires completion of a Petition Application .
Exam Registration and Testing ProcessExams are held each May and November and require registration. To begin the registration process, submit an CRA Exam Application , via the RACC , and pay the exam fee of $395. Interested participants should discuss with their supervisors whether this cost can be covered by their department.
Upon completion of the application and payment, participants will receive mailed correspondence indicating their application’s acceptance and instructions for scheduling the exam. The exam is administered at an approved exam site by Professional Testing Corporation.
Exam FormatThe exam consists of 250 computerized multiple-choice questions within the below categories and allocations:
Application Deadlines
April 10, 2024 (May window)
October 2, 2024 (November window)
Testing Periods
May 11 - 25, 2024
November 2 - 16, 2024
The CRA Study Group is a self-study program facilitated by group meetings and designed for all interested UT research administrators who qualify to take the CRA exam. Please contact the OSP Training team at to join.
Already certified, but want to attend as a mentor to support others? Individuals' experience and expertise are highly valued, and their participation makes them eligible for recertification.
Study Group Schedule
Weekly one-hour study group sessions will meet via Zoom invitation. See the calendar for the current semester’s dates, times and locations.
The study group is scheduled to coincide with a regular lunch hour (12pm-1pm). Prior to committing to attend, discuss the program benefits and requirements with a supervisor and seek approval for participation if necessary.
Attending the study group does not guarantee that a participant will pass the exam, but rather serves as an additional resource.
Recertification Term and Requirements for RecertificationRecertification requirements for the CRA will vary based on exam date.
For those taking their CRA exam in 2023 or later:
For those who took their CRA prior to 2023:
To recertify, one must either apply for recertification or retake the certification exam.
Recertification Application
An application for recertification will include:
To learn more about the CRA and other certifications offered by RACC, please visit their website.