The 7 Most Popular, and Powerful, Sexual Fantasies

Few fantasize about their regular partners. Many dream of unconventional sex.


Key points

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Source: Rocketclips, Inc./Shutterstock

Erotic fantasies often provoke feelings of guilt, shame, and self-loathing. That’s hardly surprising. Many people grow up harangued by religious leaders and self-styled guardians of morality who teach that among the many sexual possibilities, only a small fraction are acceptable—sex that’s adult, married, heterosexual, monogamous, for procreation, in wedlock, and with partners the same race/ethnicity and close in age. When people from such backgrounds fantasize about anything else, many fear something must be wrong with them.

In addition, 120 years ago, Sigmund Freud said, “Happy people don’t fantasize, just the unhappy.” And today, some psychologists look askance at “paraphilias,” any sex—or fantasies about any sex—that’s unconventional. Actually, a substantial amount of research literature shows that sexual fantasies, whatever they may involve, are normal.

Americans’ Sexual Fantasies: The Largest Study Ever

Justin Lehmiller is on staff at Indiana University’s Kinsey Institute, a major center of sex research. For his book Tell Me What You Want, he conducted the largest survey ever of sexual fantasies.

Using social media, Lehmiller recruited a reasonably representative sample of 4,175 Americans—age range 18 to 87, from all 50 states, all incomes, races, political, and religious affiliations, and sexual and gender identities, who were involved in all imaginable relationships: single, dating, cohabitating, married, swingers, and polyamorous.

The Seven Top Fantasies

Lehmiller discovered that Americans’ top erotic reveries fall into seven broad categories—three very popular, and four less so but still quite prevalent. The top three included:

The following four fantasies were somewhat less popular but still quite prevalent:

What Do Sexual Fantasies Mean?

Many people who feel fine about their financial circumstances daydream of winning the lottery. Why not? It’s fun to fantasize about what you’d do if suddenly released from all financial constraints. It doesn’t mean you hate your life.

Similarly, almost everyone daydreams of being released from all sexual constraints. For those who feel generally fine about their relationships and sex lives, sexual fantasies allow expanded horizons. And for those who have serious complaints about their sex lives—no sex, too little sex, or boring sex—fantasies can, to some extent, substitute for what’s missing.

But many people fear their fantasies signal immorality, perversion, or mental illness. Here it’s vital to distinguish between sexual thoughts and actions. Some sexual actions are illegal, but all sexual thoughts—even if they’re disturbing—are normal, healthy, and fine. Your fantasies are no reflection on your morality, mental health, or ability to maintain loving relationships. Sexual fantasies simply exercise the erotic imagination—with all constraints removed.


“Am I Normal?”

Over the past four decades, I’ve answered more than 12,000 sex questions. Many people ask if they’re sexually normal. Now, “normal” has two meanings—prevalent and healthy. Sexual fantasies are both.

As Lehmiller’s study shows, even wild erotic reveries are very common. In fact, fantasies about multi-partner play, BDSM, and sexual adventure are so normal, i.e. common, one might argue that it’s “abnormal.” i.e. uncommon, not to have them.

In addition, no matter what their content, sexual fantasies are normal, i.e healthy and sex-enhancing. Solo or partnered, sexual pleasure depends on deep relaxation, which opens (dilates) the arteries in the central body, ushering extra blood into the genitals. This extra blood produces penile and clitoral erection, vaginal self-lubrication, sensitivity to erotic touch, and pleasure. But those who fear or revile sexual fantasies don’t relax. Instead of dilating, their arteries constrict, which reduces blood to the genitals and impairs sexual function and pleasure.

Fantasies Essential Reads

If you want to be all you can be sexually, fantasize more often and more vividly. Instead of feeling guilt, shame, and self-loathing, understand that everyone has sexual fantasies, that many are wild and beyond anything people would do in real life, and that whatever your fantasies, they’re normal, healthy, and fine.

Facebook image: Rocketclips, Inc./Shutterstock

Cado, S. and H. Leitenberg. “Guilt Reactions to Sexual Fantasies During Intercourse,” Archives of Sexual Behavior (1990) 19:49.

DeSutter, P. et al. “Who Are the Orgasmic Women? Exploratory Study Among a Community Sample of French-Speaking Women,” Sexologies (2014) 23:e51.

Davidson, J.K. and L.E. Hoffman. “Sexual Fantasies and Sexual Satisfaction: An Empirical Analysis of Erotic Thought,” Journal of Sex Research (1986) 22:184.

Lehmiller, Justin. Tell Me What You Want: The Science of Sexual Desire and How It Can Help Your Improve Your Sex Life. Hachette, NY, 2018.